
Antibodies from corona recovery patients may produce vaccine to end epidemics

Most of the patients coming home from the hospital recently recovered from the corona virus produce various specific antibodies and T cells for the virus.

Beijing. Most of the patients coming home from the hospital recently recovered from the coronavirus produce various specific antibodies and T cells for the virus. A study has revealed this, which can be beneficial in making an effective vaccine against this deadly disease.

Antibodies are seen in two weeks in patients

In this study, published in a journal called Immunity, researchers tested 14 patients, with a variety of disease-resistant reactions. The results of tests conducted two weeks after six of them were discharged from the hospital showed that the antibody was intact for so long. This study also shows which part of the virus is more effective in activating these disease-resistant responses. Therefore, they have to be targeted through potential vaccines.

T cells protect the immune system from infection

Researchers at China’s Tsinghua University said that it is unclear why the level of resistance responses varies from patient to patient. He states that this variation may be related to the initial amount of virus entering the body of the patient with their physical conditions or microbiota. Researchers said that the question now is whether these disease-resistant reactions will protect the patient from Kovid-19 when exposed to SARS-COV-2 again? In addition, there is a question as to which T cells are activated by virus infection. He also stated that it is also important to note that laboratory tests that are used to detect antibodies to SARS-COV-2 in humans need to be further confirmed in their accuracy and reliability.

B and T cells protect against infection

“Our findings suggest that both B and T cells provide protection to the central part of the immune system against viral infection,” said study co-senior Chen Dong from Tsinghua University. He stated that our work provided a basis for further analysis of protective immunity and to understand the mechanisms underlying the development of coronavirus, especially in severe cases. This can also create an effective vaccine to prevent infection.

An in-depth study on SARS-COV-2 needed

Cheng-Feng Quinn of the Chinese Academy of Military Medical Science said that we still have little information about the protective immune responses induced by the anti-virus virus, SARS-COV-2 if information about it is collected. So the development of an effective vaccine can be accelerated.

Read also: Italian researchers claim: they have built up the world’s first COVID-19 vaccine