US Election survey: Biden leads Trump in 32 survey results in a month
US Election survey: Biden leads Trump in 32 survey results in a month

Three quarters of voters can vote for the 2020 presidential election in the US via post. According to The New York Times analysis, there are about 80 million such voters. These are the highest in American history and double that of 2016. In fact, most states have made preparations for postal voting, fearing a coronavirus infection. There are less than 100 days left in the election. In such a situation, we know at what level the publicity is and what is the situation…

1. Position of candidates

Biden overtakes Trump in all, results of 32 surveys in last one month

From July 12 to August 12, about 32 different survey results have been received regarding the presidential election. In all of these, Democrat Joe Biden has an edge over Republican Donald Trump. However, in half of these surveys the difference between the two is 5% or less. Biden received 51% of the vote in the national average, while Trump got just 41%, ie 10% less than Biden.

  • 91% of Democrat supporters are with Biden, while 87% of Republicans are with Trump.
  • Trump has called all the surveys calling him backward as fake and said that he will win this time too.

2. Fund raising

Trump gets more donations for the first time in two months

Month Trump Biden
June 982 crores 1057 crores
July 1237 crores Rs. 1050 crores

In the same way, there are many more.

3. Election Campaign

  • A reserve fund of Rs 2100 crore has been set up for Biden’s election campaign in 15 states in September. Of this, 1650 crore will be spent on TV advertising and 450 crore on digital advertising.
  • 1085 crores will be spent for Trump’s campaign on TV. Apart from this, his team has not provided any information about online and other expenses.

Read Also: Facebook and Twitter engaged in stopping propaganda in US presidential election

4. What next?

There will be 3 presidential debates between Trump and Biden over the next two months

  • According to the Commission on Presidential Debate (CPD) program, there will be a presidential debate between Trump and Biden for the November 3 presidential election in the US.
  • The first debate will take place on September 29 in Cleveland, Ohio.
  • The second debate will be held in Miami, Florida on October 15.
  • The third debate will take place in Tennessee on October 22. All the debates will be of 90 minutes. The White House Pool Network will broadcast it live without any advertising.

Vice President: A powerful role in 100 years, Dick Cheney and Biden most effective

The debate between the Vice Presidential candidates in the US will take place on 7 October. The Democratic Party has chosen Kamala Harris for the post. In the last 100 years, this post has come to become the second powerful post in the world.

  • The Vice-President is the first contender for the President’s death, resignation or removal. Also chairs the joint session of the Congress.
  • According to the arrangement made in 1804, the Vice President is elected indirectly along with the President for 4 years through the Electoral College.
  • Only 14 Vice Presidents have become US Presidents in 250 years.
  • Dick Cheney was the Vice President at the time of the 9/11 attack. President George Bush took the decision only on his advice. The strict rules after the attacks are theirs. In Saddam’s end, Syria and Afghanistan also played a big role.
  • Biden was the Vice President at the time of the elimination of terrorist Osama bin Laden. He was instrumental in strategizing with the Security Advisor.



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