Today in History:Saint Mother Teresa was born 110 years ago in Albania
Today in History:Saint Mother Teresa was born 110 years ago in Albania

Whenever the question arises in the whole world, who is the example of service, the answer is only Mother Teresa of India. That means saint of Calcutta. Mother Teresa, who was born in Albania but considers herself completely Indian, is today her birthday. Had she been alive, she would have been 110 years old today.

Well, the sad page of history is also associated with today’s day. Alauddin Khilji captured Chittorgarh in 1303 on this day.

Color broadcast of tennis match for the first time

Today we have HD, Ultra HD, 4K to many high-tech TVs. We also see sports competitions going on in every corner of the world. But did you know that for the first time in 1955, the color telecast of a tennis match started. That Davis Cup match was played between Australia and the US in New York and aired on NBC. Color TV came to India in 1982. Till then TV used to be Black and White.

The voice of female equality rose in 1920

Today most countries of the world have pledged that they will give women equal status as men. On the issue of women’s rights, India is also said to look towards western countries. However, this was not always the case. In America too, women have fought a long battle for rights. There, through the 19th amendment to the Constitution in 1920, women got voting rights.

Today’s date in history also holds significance because of these events:

1303: Alauddin Khilji captured Chittorgarh.
1541: Sultan Suleiman of Turkey captured Buda and Hungary.
1873: The first free kindergarten school in St. Louis opens in the US.
1914: The revolutionaries of Bengal attacked the British fleet in Calcutta and looted 50 mauzers and 46 thousand rounds.
1959: British Motor Corporation launches Morris Mini-Minor. This 10 feet long train had seating for four passengers.
1982: NASA launches Telesat-F.
1988: Myanmar’s non-violent leader Aung San Suu Kyi reached Rangoon with a front.
1996: US President Bill Clinton signs the Welfare Reform and makes them law. This was a major shift towards the welfare policy.
2002: Ten-day Earth Conference begins in Johannesburg, South Africa.
2007: US forces kill 12 Taliban along the Pak-Afghan border.
2015: Two journalists shot dead in Virginia, USA.

Read Also: Mother Teresa 110th Birth Anniversary : The Life of a Saint

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