Weight Loss Tips
All of us have gained weight by spending most of the time at home fearing Covid-19 Pandemic.During this time weight gain due to lack of physical activity or exercise and take excess food.Here we've sharing 7 effective tips to achieve your weight loss and become healthier.

Weight Loss Tips for Stay Fit and Healthy

Pandemic Weight: Since the month of March last year, due to the corona virus epidemic, most of us are still working from home after about a year. Because of this, our lifestyle has suffered a setback. All of us have gained weight by spending most of our time in fear of the virus. Being at home was due to overeating and weight gain due to not having physical activity or exercise. Apart from this, people start eating more due to restlessness due to fear of virus.

However, the time has come for all of us to reduce this weight gain during the epidemic. So let’s know 7 such tips with which you can reduce your increased weight easily.

Start your day like this

At the beginning of the morning, start the day by drinking lemon and honey in a glass of water. By doing this with your body

Toxins are released and your metabolism is promoted. Follow a schedule

Before the pandemic, our lifestyle used to go a ways but by staying at home all the time, we started eating more. Even if you are still working from home or spending more time at home, but it is important to plan your day, especially make time to drink coffee / tea, eat snack or eat.

Use time properly

Before the epidemic everyone had many excuses for not exercising, but now that you are working at home, why not use this time traveling to work instead of sleeping in office. When you left home for office, get up at that time to do workouts and then start office work.

Try intermediate fasting

If you are unable to control your eating habits, try intermediate fasting. In this type of fasting, you do not have to eat late at night and early in the morning. That means you eat only twice a day.

Are You Overweight? Balanced diet and exercise in such way gives you benefits, follow these Weight Loss tips

Keep the body hydrated

When we get out of the house and travel we feel more thirsty, whereas nowadays we are drinking less water than usual by staying at home more. Drink at least two liters of water a day, this will keep you away from useless snacks.

Use small plates

People eat fewer calories by using smaller plates. However, this formula does not work for everyone. But what is the harm in trying it?

Stay away from refined carbs and excess sugar

Refined carbs and added sugar are also responsible for weight gain. So stay away from things like bread, pasta, cakes, cookies and donuts. All these things suddenly increase your blood sugar level.

Drink green tea

Weight loss is one of the many benefits of green tea. It has been proved in many research that drinking green tea helps in weight loss to a large extent.

Stay away from alcohol

Alcohol not only adds extra calories to your body, but also takes away control of how much food you have at one time. It is not necessary to give up alcohol, but drink less at a time.


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